Sunday, September 8, 2013


Riddick: Taking bleak "law of the jungle" to a desert-world art form. Vin Diesel and the entire cast did a fantastic job acting. There's also at least as much plot as there is action. In a lot of ways, this felt like Goth meets sci-fi. I love the Underworld series, and like this even better. Yes, this is very dark sci-fi, with an extremely dystopian backdrop, but the desert planet isn't Earth, and there is clearly a starfaring future for humanity. It's not hopeless. Some of the tech is pretty cool, but nothing that hasn't seen another version elsewhere. The action is great, and Riddick has a "MacGuyver-style" inventiveness that I like. I'd like to read the book to clear up some questions on the storyline, though. Bust out the popcorn, and hold on to your sweetheart if they'll go with you. Adrenaline rating is a solid 8. So is my rating of this flick. 8/10


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Grand Master:

The Grand Master: Probably the best martial arts film I've ever seen. Love, Romance, Martial Skill, History, Cinematography, Acting, Philosophy...all top-notch. A must-see for lovers of the genre, and great for everyone. 10/10 - Dan